If you are not the crafty DIY type why not consider putting together a Pinterest board of upcycle crafts like these and gifting some T-shirt yarn, easy to make from old T-shirts, to a crafty friend.
This cutie is made from vintage sheets.
I always think it is remarkable when someone who doesn't even speak the same language as I do can share a wonderful idea. Crafting really is a universal language at times. I wish I could say "Thank you for sharing" to the original person who put this out there.
These would be great in team colours as bench cushions too. Made from plarn they would be wonderfully light and water proof.
Jessica over at Peppermint twists, shares how she made a rag rug after a simple class.
(clear photo guide included.)
I wonder if an orange bag could be used as the "base",
or even old fly screen wire with plarn for outdoors?
Green plastic bags (non degradable) become fake lawn rugs. Oh the possibilities!
"In the past, wooden picture frames, or a similar wooden shape, were used for the loom. My loom is constructed of pine and finishing nails. " A little history story is entwined with this practical, easy to follow photographic style tutorial.
http://www.ehow.com/how_7249888_make-homemade-weaving-loom.html Simple written guide. This loom and some Tshirt yarn and/ or Plarn would make a great gift in itself.
To quote Apartment therapy "This rug is made from old fabric samples and tape but you could also sew it if you wanted something more durable."
(There are 6 mats in the round up but we will not hold that against them.)
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